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Online Creator Workshop:

Rinse and Repeat Challenges

....that Convert!

If you have a gift that can benefit others and you feel called to put it out to the world, it can be a confusing and frustrating process to navigate the ins and outs of actually building a sustainable online business.

The programs you'll find here are designed to help passionate creators package and deliver their gifts in a way that can facilitate deep and meaningful transformation in others.

When you find your inner alignment and learn how to express that effectively, you can reach others in a way that is authentic and financially sustainable.

This journey involves not only transformation of others lives but your personal transformation as a passion-driven creator.

Hi, I'm Natalie Masson.

I'm a rather shy, super outgoing introvert/extrovert who is brimming with inspiration and ideas - more than I can keep up with!

I'm a clinical psychologist with a psychotherapy practice and an online business supporting women on their fertility journey.

I'm also a tinkerer who loves figuring out systems and playing with numbers. Fun fact: Before I got a PhD in Clinical Psychology, I got a BS in Electrical Engineering. I have a hodgepodge of skills that probably make for endless entertainment for my friends watching me in action.

I've figured a few things out over the last 3 years of hacking away at this online biz thing, and I'm just so excited to share some of the creative ways I've set up my business to align with my core values of authenticity, integrity, and creativity.

LIfe's too short to be a copycat. I'd love to see you create really cool stuff that's as unique as your thumbprint.

I'd like to show you the principles that can allow you do to that. You may be surprised and delighted to discover what you are capable of creating!

Available now!

Rinse & Repeat Challenges

...that Convert!

I've just stepped into the realm of officially creating offers for online creators, and I am SO excited!

The highest demand is for my Challenge Launch formula, so I've created this training first.

I've used this method 13 times in two years. This is a paid challenge that requires no live teaching and no Facebook group. Everything is prestaged, making easy to rinse and repeat for future launches.

This live 2-hr workshop was offered live in December 2021, and actually evolved into two 2-hr sessions. Both parts are now available to watch on replay.